The Weblog

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IMPORTANT update for Market2Go customers

Thank you for your support of Market2Go! We’re pleased to be able to offer online shopping and drive-through pickup for your fresh local food and essential products.

We’re mindful of keeping ourselves, our vendors and our customers healthy by following sanitation guidelines and maintaining social distance. Market2Go vendors are exercising care in the packing and handling of your orders, and delivering those orders to us in a low-contact drive-through process. We’ve redesigned our order pickups to minimize social contact.

Our pickup procedure has changed! Statesboro customers will still pick up their Market2Go orders at the Statesboro Convention and Visitors Bureau at 222 South Main Street, but you will not need to go into the building. Instead, the Market2Go staff will greet you at your vehicle, confirm your order and then bring it out to you. If you ordered home delivery service, it will be delivered on Thursday evening. We will contact you about a time frame.

Here’s the new drive-through procedure.

  • Please arrive between 4:30 and 6:30 at the SCVB, 222 South Main Street.
  • Drive around to the right (counter clockwise) toward the rear of the building, forming a line of vehicles. We’ll serve customers in the queue, starting at the end of the ramp.
  • Provide access to your vehicle and to the containers you want loaded (bags, boxes or coolers); e.g., unlock the back door or pop the trunk, with containers inside.
  • Wait in your car for the runner to return with your order and load into your containers.
  • Provide credit card or check. (You may pay cash in exact amount, but to reduce money handling, any “change” from cash received will be credited to your account.

We’re very excited about instituting this new drive-through pickup and about the huge response from our customers, old and new — our orders this week are four times our weekly average! . We know our first day will be a challenge, and we’re hoping we can count on your help.

Here’s how you can help:

  • Be patient and be prepared to wait in line.
  • Allow plenty of time for your pickup — you must be in the queue before 6:30
  • Help us maintain social distance and avoid contact with unsanitized items
  • Bring containers for your order (bags, boxes, bins) but leave them in your vehicle
  • Do NOT offer to return egg cartons, produce containers or other used items
  • Recognize that because of exceptional volume, some items may be sold out; your order will be adjusted and you won’t be charged for any items the vendors can’t deliver.
  • Bring a credit card or check for payment. For future orders, pay online with credit or debit card — we’ll help you register your card. .
  • (Again) Be patient — we’re in this together.
  • Let us know if you have ideas to improve our pickup process.
  • Tell your neighbors and social media friends about Market2Go drive through.
  • Tell the vendors how much you appreciate their making good food available.