The Weblog

Stay informed about what’s happening on Market2Go and the Statesboro Main Street Farmers Market!

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Happy Thanksgiving!

Just a reminder that Statesboro Market2Go is closed this week because Thursday is Thanksgiving. Hope you enjoy your day and that it is filled with lots of delicious local food!

Upcoming events:
Shopping by Lantern Light this Tuesday night, downtown, 6-8 p.m.
Doug’s Wild Alaska Salmon purchase date – Dec. 11 – pre-order on Market2Go starting next week

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Fall! The market is OPEN!

Lots of fall veggies available this week!
And we will be open this week, but closed the following week for Thanksgiving.
Please order this week, and tell your friends about Statesboro Market2Go!

The market is open!!

Thank you for shopping with us!

The market is open!

Be sure to order your plants for fall planting season this week, because Southern Native Plantings will be taking some time off after this week until early December.

Lots of great local food available, so take a few minutes to browse!

Thank you for shopping with Statesboro Market2Go.

Veggies, veggies, and more veggies!

Collard greens, turnips, okra, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, lettuce, and more!
Be sure to order today!

The market is open!

Thank you for shopping with us!

Be sure to place your order!

Be sure to place your order tonight. More veggies are available!

The market is open!

It’s a great time for planting – be sure to check out the offerings from Southern Native Plantings this week!

Relinda's organic veggies are back!

Be sure to place your order this week! Relinda’s organic veggies are back, and Jacobs has butternut squash and sweet potatoes. You’ll want to order before midnight tonight!

Thank you for shopping with us!

The market is open

Thank you for shopping with us!