The Weblog

Stay informed about what’s happening on Market2Go and the Statesboro Main Street Farmers Market!

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The market is open!

Thank you for shopping with us!

The market is open!

Thank you for shopping locally!

The market is open!

Be sure to place your order this week!

The market is open!

Enjoy shopping!

The market is open!

Thank you for shopping with us!

The market is open!

Thank you for your support of Statesboro Market2Go and don’t forget that today is opening day at the Saturday market! See you at the market!

The market is open!

Thank you for shopping with us!

The market is open!

Important news:

Doug will deliver salmon this Thursday March 23. If you already ordered, we have your order. If you haven’t already ordered, this is your chance! He will not be back from Alaska again until October.

New location for Sylvania pickup:
124 West Telephone St (old Masonic lodge) -beginning this week.

See you Thursday!

The market is open!

Check out our fresh seasonal local produce. Strawberries are in season…and lots more!

The market is open!

We have strawberries this week! Be sure to order early!