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Chicken and Duck Eggs

Duck Eggs
Grower: Crest Hill Farms
Price: $6.50 ( 1 dz )
Available (Exact): 10
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Free range duck eggs from Crest Hill Farms!
Duck Eggs Half Dozen Non-GMO feed, Vaccine free
Grower: HazelnutPastures
Price: $4.50 ( Half Dozen )
Available (Exact): 6
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Pasture raised, free range, NON GMO fed, Antibiotic and vaccine free. Khaki Campbell breed Duck Eggs. Grown using hazelnutpastures beyond ... more
Eggs - Bootleg Farm's Pasture raised Brown Eggs
Grower: Bootleg Farm
Price: $7.00 ( dozen )
Available (Exact): 15
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Pasture raised, free roaming hens at Bootleg Farm have plenty room to roam the farm where they can scratch and ... more
Eggs - Extra Large Free Range Eggs
Grower: Faye Franklin's Farm Fresh Eggs
Price: $5.50 ( Dozen )
Available (Exact): 12
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Healthy happy free range hens laying multi colored eggs. We have black australorp,silver wyandotte,barred rocks,americanas, and rode island reds laying ... more
Eggs - Free Range Eggs - All Natural - large
Grower: Jacobs Produce
Price: $5.00 ( 1 dozen )
Available (Exact): 0
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Large eggs that are laid by healthy hens that are allowed to range free in open pasture and enjoy eating ... more
Eggs - free-foraging eggs
Grower: Ole Mcdonnell's Farm
Price: $7.50 ( dozen )
Available (Exact): 5
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our hens roam freely, scratching and pecking their way through acres of pasture, woods, and garden (aargh!) all day, until ... more
Eggs - large
Grower: The Milkhouse
Price: $4.50 ( 1 dz )
Available (Exact): 15
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1 dozen large chicken eggs, pasture raised and non-gmo feed
Eggs - Large Chicken eggs
Grower: Poor Robin Gardens
Price: $6.00 ( 1 dz )
Available (Exact): 10
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Eggs from Ricardo's flock!
Eggs - Large, Farm Fresh, Multi-colored
Grower: Daisy Mae Farms/Traditions Bakery and Catering
Price: $6.00 ( 1 Dozen )
Available (Exact): 4
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Our farm fresh eggs are produced by our own free range chickens without added supplements, antibiotics, hormones or steroids. These ... more
Eggs Non-GMO feed, Vaccine Free HazelnutPastures
Grower: HazelnutPastures
Price: $7.70 ( 1 Dozen )
Available (Exact): 2
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Pasture raised, free range, NON GMO fed, Antibiotic, Corn and Soy, vaccine free. Novogen and Rhode Island Red Brown Large ... more
Eggs SMALL SIZE Dozen Non-GMO feed, Vaccine free HazelnutPastures
Grower: HazelnutPastures
Price: $4.50 ( Dozen )
Available (Exact): 21
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Pasture raised, free range, NON GMO fed, Antibiotic, Corn and Soy, vaccine free. Novogen and Rhode Island Red Brown Large ... more
Eggs- Chicken Eggs Large Free Range
Grower: Mill Creek Farms
Price: $5.50 ( 1 Dozen )
Available (Exact): 0
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We have farm raised chicken eggs. Our chickens are pasture raised and eat bugs, brewers trash, and anything the can ... more
Eggs- Dozen Free-Range
Grower: Mack Family Farm
Price: $6.50 ( 1 dozen )
Available (Exact): 1

One dozen large eggs of a variety of colors, mostly brown. From our free-range, overly loved on, sweet girls. more